Thursday, December 25, 2014

"Mary, Don't Be Afraid."

“Mary, don’t be afraid, you have found favor with God.”

It is nearly always scary to encounter the spiritual realm.  It places us in a position to be confronted by truth.  Truth reveals that we are very much not the biggest character in the drama we are living in.  In fact, we are usually seeing our place, position and role in the wrong way all together.  We have things sized and oriented around us according to deep seated misunderstanding.  It comes from making both too much and too little of ourselves.

It’s disorienting to realize all at once that my perception is horribly inaccurate.  And different kind of realization than the epiphany that comes gradually from preaching, study or meditation.
The entrance of the eternal God into the realm of the visible and limited is full of such encounters.  Preparation for man to be confronted by truth.

How tender for the messenger Gabriel to comfort Mary with his first words.  Remember, she was fourteen.  Granted, fourteen at .75 BC was different.  Culturally, her expectations were marriage and family.  But still, there is only so much you can be ready for after fourteen years of preparation.  And then she wakes up.  All at once seeing clearly that the scope of reality is shockingly more than she had understood.  

“Mary, don’t be afraid…”  Gabriel is a messenger from God.  He says what God tells him to say.  God is aware of the shock, the fear that is produced in the heart and mind of frail, blind humans when their eyes are opened.  He anticipates it and always cares gently for that person in that moment.  

I wake my daughter most mornings.  She is innocent beauty; peaceful, at rest, tucked securely into her bed in the safety of her room, in our home where things are familiar and predictable.  I kneel next to her bed, watch her sleep, listen to her breath.  I touch her hair and stroke her forehead.  I whisper in her ear, “Emma…” She stirs and her eyelashes flutter as she stretches and adjusts from sleep.  

In that few moments, she is reorienting.  Imagine if, instead of the familiarity of her dad, she wakes to a never before imagined messenger from her Father.  The realm of infinity had broken through into her room and was calling her by name.

There is good reason to be afraid.  To feel small and disoriented on a grand scale.  I suspect it was both an immediate reassurance and a terrifyingly unsettling exposure to be known like that.  She had know idea what came next.

And then, “you have found favor with God.”

What would that evoke, a sigh of relief or greater fear?  Was it like being picked for a special and dangerous mission, or a hug?  Probably both.  It’s like whispering in my daughters ear early in the morning as she is waking up.  I stroke her hair and tell her she is my favorite daughter and then say, “let’s have a good breakfast and then load our weapons and strap on our protective armor, we’re hunting rabid honey badgers today…”

I love this statement though, “you have found favor…”  It implies that she was looking.  She wanted favor with God.  She had been searching for it.  This was before the resurrection of Jesus, before the law of Moses was fulfilled.  She had worked to honor God, to obey him by following his commands.  She knew the history of her people and the humiliation of their predicament.  

What a greeting.

Later in the story of Jesus written by Matthew, he quotes Jesus, “seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and then all these things will be given to you too.

But maybe Mary was a poet.  Maybe she noticed the favor of God in all the little things in her world.  She listened to the crickets after the sunset.  She held the baby John and touched his cheek.  She smiled at Joseph and felt blessed.  Maybe she was easily reassured by Gabriel because she practiced seeing and hearing the Kingdom of God.

That’s what I want to do.  To practice.  The entrance of Jesus into the world of the finite means that the infinite is now available to us.  Our reward is no longer just crops and fertility and worldly riches without oppression.  Our treasure is a relational connection with our Creator, Father, Groom, Shepherd, Healer, Sustainer, Provider and Friend.  We are no longer alone and left up to our own devices as Adam and Eve were after the apple.  Just like Mary, we’ve been invited and challenged to wake up and join in the adventure. 

“A work of art defines itself into being, when we awaken into it and by it, when we are moved, altered, stirred.  It feels as if we have done nothing, only given it a little time, a little space; some hairline-narrow crack opens in the self, and there it is.”

- Jane Hirshfield (poet)

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Cleanse

First week recap - Amidst a great deal of complaining - the whole family succeeded (survived) the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh days.  Meleea has produced a couple fantastic soups for dinner.  The one I helped with was a travesty.  I was the only one who ate it and I only did it to prove how committed I am.  I made a healthy but clearly not delicious or satisfying green shake with kale for breakfast.  Headaches reared up in the afternoon the first couple days and I can feel myself building for a mucus explosion.  I'm finally starting to feel like I'm in a groove.  The rest of the family is done but I'm doing liquid for breakfast and dinner with a solid meal for lunch.
I lost about five pounds and peed about once every 10 minutes (ok - not quite that much).
All of us could tell some improvement.

The rest of the family eased off after the first week.  I kept going.

I've lost about 10 pounds.  No headaches.  Great, deep sleep waking up without my tongue coated in goo.  Very increased energy level.  Reduced heart rate.

I went for a bike ride today.  Not sure if it's a result of weight lifting or the cleanse or both but I'm much faster for much longer.

I'm also more patient, more kind and less snappy.  Ask Meleea.

I keep thinking about the time Jesus said that whoever seeks to save his life will loose it, but he who gives it up willingly for his sake will find it.  Part of this effort for me is acknowledging and honoring the wonder of a fearfully made body.  It's capable of health, healing, strength, endurance, mood regulation, and a host of other almost supernatural accomplishments.  I believe in this creation and I'm interested to see how it performs when I treat it well instead of abusing it.

I finished the cleanse on Tuesday last week but I've continued with minor deviations (read - Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich on Friday night and taco dinner for Cinco De Mayo)  Still no dairy or wheat based stuff.

I think I'm going to just keep going.  It's not that hard and I feel great.  I'm hoping my allergies are significantly reduced.

I'll let you know.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Gettin' Clean

Clean - Day 1
Today is the first day of the Miller family's attempt to detoxify.  

2012 was a terrible year for my health.  My seasonal allergies just about killed me - weird symptoms: short of breath and aching chest (kind of like what I would imagine an impending heart attack), extreme fatigue, dizzy and light-headed, anxiety like I've never known before (racing brain, jumbled, incomplete thoughts, inability to concentrate, etc), cold, tingling extremities, sensitivity to light and general emotional malaise.  I spent much of the year just surviving - hoping no one would notice.  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It's Gotta Be a Person

Energy is Not Lovable

What is lacking in the theory that my life force - my soul, is part of a collective, un-named energy that I partake in whether alive or “dead” - what is missing is a personality.  I need an energetic relationship, not just energy.  Someone I know that I can trust and rely on when I have needs beyond myself.  

Monday, December 17, 2012

Death IS The Real Problem

The unbelievable tragedy in Connecticut is wrong on many levels.  And on every level, with every issue there are sides to argue.  Most of us instinctively pick one.  We disagree, or at least we see the issues differently.  If you spend a few minutes on the internet, you will find wildly divergent perspectives, charged with intense emotion.  Interestingly, the conflict on these issues, especially when the issue is the main connection (rather than the relationship), rarely ends in resolution.  More often than not, it ends in greater anger, judgement and separation.  

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Why You Shouldn't Go To Church - And If You Are... Stop

The institutional Christian church has nearly always been a mess.  I assume there were a few weeks or so after Pentecost where God’s spirit was so powerfully received and the people’s understanding of their (juxtaposed) depravity and blessing was so poignant that they just could not help themselves and they truly lived in love and grace without regard to each others failings.  However, for the most part, from the time people began gathering on a regular basis to practice religion, they have been doing it wrong.  I myself have experienced primarily Christian church so I’ll be speaking from that perspective.  But as far as I can tell, the same issue haunts nearly every religion known to man.  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thank You Ryan Woods

Thursday Brotherhood

My friend Ryan Woods took a short cut today.  After spending his rich life generously, graciously and with much humor and honesty - He left.  Too soon for those that knew him even a little.  He raised the bar for the rest of us and kept the angels laughing and scratching their beards.  I will miss him and I am terribly sad for Jess and their kids but God is good and he will love them well.  

Ryan laid it all out.  He risked nearly everything.  I’d just say he risked it all but I don’t know him that well.  It sure seemed like it.  In doing so, he secured all that was important and left behind a whole passel of people who at the very least are curious and at most are following him while he follows Jesus.