Dear Neighbor,
This is not another quick and easy way to figure life out, yours or someone else’s. Hopefully, you will not find a list of steps to achieve something or little clusters of tips and tricks in the margins. If you do find them… beware – they are tricks (not mine). I have no magical formula to offer and no quick fix.
This is an invitation. It is a challenge. I am passing it on. It was extended to us a couple thousand years ago by a man named Jesus who claimed to be The Savior of the World. I believe his claim. If you don’t already, I invite you to investigate. Follow him a while; listen to him with your heart. Watch what he does and how it affects people. Work shoulder to shoulder with him. See who he leads you to and what they ask of you and offer to you. Experience his generosity, his restfulness, his mirth, mystery and his miraculous ability to live in exactly the right sized moments. I promise, if you are willing, you will be amazed. If you do believe his claim – do the same thing. You’ll be amazed more and more again.