Running Alone - better or worse? |
1. Tell Injury Stories:
a. Find logical places runners congregate. This can be nearly anywhere except buffet restaurants.
b. Look for shoes and race shirts.
c. Meander over and stand around in your running gear looking nonchalant. If running gear is unavailable, try to look like you have a low heart rate and a high VO2 max.
d. When congregating occurs, blend in with group and nod sympathetically when they start telling training injury stories. Don’t worry; you won’t have to wait long for this.
e. Now this is a critical move that requires preparation. It may be best to practice in front of a mirror while recording on your iPod. When a break comes, chuckle knowingly and launch into your injury story. Word of caution, you must tell the story as if happened in the distant past. Whether you say so or not, you must leave story-telling buddies with the impression that you healed and learned from your training mistakes and everything is now back to normal. In fact you are stronger. Do not expose current weakness – they are like jackals! You will be de-legitimized faster than you can open a tube of Gu.